
Friday 4 December 2020

Te Ahurei Kapa Haka >:D

 Kia Ora! Nau Mai!


Welcome back to my blog!

Just yesterday, I went to the Kapa Haka festival! (Or, at least while I'm writing this.)

It was really fun, and I got to hang out with my friends and perform on stage.

I've been doing Kapa Haka every year, and so I decided for my very last year at Yaldhurst, and possibly doing Kapa Haka, I decided to join in for the last time!

Although, I guess I should save that information for my biteable.

Yes, a biteable! 

I've finally had the chance to create a biteable instead of a slideshow!

However, I'm not entirely sure if that will last very long. 

I'll try my best though!

Anyways, there isn't much to say here apart from please read, comment, and enjoy! :D


Kapa Haka Festival - FLOW/School Blog - LAST FLOW on Biteable.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

OKAYYY, Time To Lay Out A Mush Of What We've Done This Term :D


Welcome back to my MARVELLOUS Blog!

Today, I got an idea from my teacher; Miss Rennell.

While we were on the mat, she gave us a holy HEAP of things to blog about. 

And I thought to myself, WHY NOT DO IT ALL?!?

And so, here's at least 10 things that we did THIS TERM!

Please read, comment, and enjoy!

(I dare you to count ALL the times I said this sentence above tracing ALL the way back to my VERY. FIRST. BLOG POST. Good luck :D)

(Oh yeah, and sorry about how I've only been doing slideshows as my DLO. It's just the easiest platform to slam all my things on. You can put as many slides as you want, and you can customize it to the limit. I promise that I'll switch it up to a biteable in the next blog post or so. :D)

(I'm talking too much)

(Or.... Am I writing too much?)


(Just kidding I still need to show you the DLO.)

(Dammit now I feel like I need to say 'please read, comment and enjoy' again.)

(Oh wait, nevermind I already did :D)

Tuesday 24 November 2020

“I’m not very good at PRESSING my shirts”, I said with no sense of IRONY :D

 Greetings, Fellow Mortals...


Unless you're immortal, then I might want to learn some of your secrets to being immortal...

But I think that's for another time.

Anyways, we're getting off topic. 

Welcome back to my blog!

Today, Iv'e finally decided to catch up on my homework blogs.

Expect a heap of homework blogs to start popping up in my blog.

For this blog post, I'm going to tell you the steps to ironing a shirt like a PRO!!

Keep in mind, this is just some tricks and tips to ironing a shirt. 

I WAS originally going to teach you how to set up the iron and how to iron, but I think for now I'll just teach you how to iron. 

Please read, comment, and enjoy!


Thursday 19 November 2020

CLUELESS KIDS!... Or was it Clued UP Kids...?



(All you Russian people might get that :P)

Today, I've decided to write a blog post!

(It's been a while, huh?)

This blog post is going to be about how 9 of us year 6s were lucky enough to be picked to join the police with a BUNCH of other schools to learn about the police, the fire department, or the ambulance and other stuff. :D

It was really fun, and I was really lucky to be chosen!

If you want, you can skip the rest of the writing and move onto the DLO!

Please read, comment, and enjoy! 

(Oh, and for some reason my mouse cursor REFUSED to show up while I was writing this blog post, so I'ts really hard to write this ;-;)



Tuesday 3 November 2020

HEY PAL! (Remember the title...??)

 Kia Ora!


Welcome back to my MARVELLOUS Blog!

Today, I've decided to switch things up a bit and do a BITEABLE!

It also may be because I was running out of time, and biteables are really simple and quick to make... 


Anyways, I should probably explain what PALs is. 

PALs stands for Physical Activity Leaders

And all the year 6s stayed at Yaldhurst Model School while the year 7s & 8s went to NYLD.

Although, I'll leave that to the year 7s & 8s to explain.

anyways, we went to other classes to teach them to earn our PALs badge!

(That we've been waiting MONTHS for!!)

We had a workbook that we had to get through, a session to teach the kids a new game, and some time to reflect!

Here's how OUR session went!

Please read, commnet, and enjoy!


PALs Leadership Day - School Blog  on Biteable.

Sunday 18 October 2020

This Is Not A Drill. I Repeat. THIS IS NOT A DRILL... It's A Hammer :D



Welcome back to my blog! 

Today, I've decided to, SURPRISE SURPRISE, yet ANOTHER blog post!

And from that big list that I mentioned in the last blog post, I decided to do a very simple one.

And based on the title, you could probably tell that it has something to do with a hammer.

Can you guess...?

Well, I decided to hammer a nail!

And better yet, teach you how to do it.

I got my trustworthy Dad to supervise me because he has experience in hammering nails.

Probably because he built our whole entire house... (Which is fairly close to being finished. He's ALSO planning to build a houseboat as their retirement plan. :P)

Anyways, back on topic...

I also got my sister, Mika to help film a short video.

Okay, I've done enough talking. (Or writing...)

Please read,  comment, and enjoy!


Saturday 17 October 2020

What Did The Egg Do When It Saw The Frying Pan...? IT SCRAMBLED! (Best Jokes Award Goes To ME )

 Hello There!


Welcome back to my blog!

I haven't posted in a while, because we were EXTREMELY busy at the end of term 3, and we were also setting a few things up and getting into the swing of things. 

Today, I've FINALLY decided to do a blog post for my homework.

And THIS type of homework is a bit different.

I GUESS it's KIND OF optional, but it is expected of us to contribute to this.

Come to think of it, the teacher probably said that because she wanted us to take control of our own learning and become self-managed individuals. :P

And so, from a giant list of "40 old fashioned skills kids NEED to know nowadays", I chose "How to make scrambled eggs" because I was hungry.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So, I got  my Mum & Dad to supervise me while I tried to cook. \( ̄▽ ̄;)/

Please read, comment, and enjoy!


Thursday 17 September 2020

What do people do when they're being taught online? Well, they do math in the chat, of course!

Hello there!


Welcome back to my blog!

Today, was a BIG DAY!

We presented in the Student Sumit!

Me, Mia, and Nikita got together and created a slideshow about how to use Prezi!

It was MUCH Harder than we thought it was going to be. 

People were asking for help in the chat, people were spamming, some people had issues with their device, it was a bit hard. ;-;

Although, we managed to persevere through 2 presentations, and got to the end!

I'll tell you in more detail in the biteable below!

Please read, comment, and enjoy!


Monday 31 August 2020

Have You Ever Been Camping Before? Because It's INCREDIBLY INTENTS (Get it? Intense? In tents??)

Kia Ora! O(≧▽≦)O


Welcome back to my blog! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Today, we were free to blog about any topic school related!

So I decided to share with you some information about our camp coming up in 2 DAYS! (≧ω≦)

I've put a biteable together containing a fair amount of information related to the school camp.

This will contain information such as the activities, transport, etc...ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Since there isn't much to say here...
Please read, comment, and enjoy! v(=∩_∩=)フ


School blog - School Camp Information on Biteable.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Last night I had a dream of an orange soda sea. Turns out it was a FANTA-SEA (Get it??)

YELLO There!


(I learned that from my Dad. :P)

Welcome back to my blog! (●´ω`●)

Soon, my class are about to start learning about speeches!

We'll be performing too!

When I heard about this, I TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. o(╥﹏╥)o

I hated EVERY YEAR of speeches.

I absolutely HATE public speaking.

I don't like the way that all the attention is on me, and every little mistake I make will be noticed by everyone. (  ゚,_ゝ゚)

Before we dived into the depths of learning, we had to train our brains a little to get ready to dive into the world of speeches. 

So, we all created a visualisation of what we think is the best possible outcome for us. 

We used the 6 tools in the mental toughness toolkit. 

Positive thinking, goal setting, attentional control, Visualisation, anxiety control, and self awareness.

Visualisation is the entire drawing, and the rest is in the wording in the background.

We used google drawings to create these masterpieces!

Mine is down below! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Here is MY dream for how everything will turn out!

Please read, (And look! Make sure to look!) comment, and enjoy!

Dang, this introduction was LONG. 

I appreciate it if you read ALL of this! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Tell me if you ACTUALLY read ALL of this in the comments below. :P)


While I was creating this drawing, I thought about what I REALLY wanted to happen. 

I wanted to feel confident, joyful, and proud. O(≧▽≦)O

The hardest part for me during speeches will DEFINITELY be presenting. 

Because I remember that EVERY SINGLE YEAR, I HATED speaking in front of everyone. 

It was a NIGHTMARE... ಥ_ಥ

But the easiest part for me would be writing the speech.

I often have a lot of ideas when it comes to speeches. ≧◡≦

It's just that I'm not very fond of presenting them.

I chose the tips in the background of the drawing because I knew what I needed to work on, so the goals were pretty accurate if I do say so myself.

Have you ever written and presented speeches before?

How did you feel while presenting?

What would be the hardest and easiest parts for you during speeches?

(Even if you haven't done this before. :P)

Anyways, that's all I have for you today, see you later! (^з^)-☆

Wednesday 19 August 2020

A Voice Is Calling Out To You... "Hi Abby! I really like your blog post!"

Hello viewers! 


Welcome back to my blog!

Today, we learned how to enrich our blog comments using code!

Today, we had another session with Miss Morgan!

We continued what we were doing last session, which was enriching blog comments. 

And eventually, we fully learned how to enrich our comments!

And today, I'll teach YOU how to do the same!

Although, It's a little complicated, so buckle up!

Please read, comment, and enjoy!



Overall, I learned a lot. 

I still need to learn a bit more, but I think that I've gotten the hang of it!

Did you know about this?

Have you ever done this before?

What other blog commenting tricks do you know

Friday 14 August 2020

HEY YOU! Please look at THIS Blog post! -_-


Yeah, YOU!

child, adult, random person reading my blog!

In rimu, we had a writing competition!

And I need YOU to vote!

Okay, let me explain. 

Not so long ago, we all competed in a writing competition. 

There is a grid of 28 words added in by rimu.

We had to write down the first thing that came to mind when we heard the word -


 and we need to use as many of those 28 words in our story as we can.

Here's the list -

Speaking of stories, we need to write about one of 3 categories -

A news report, a poem, or a compelling mystery!

And now, this is where we need YOU!

Yes, YOU!

You need to go onto the rimu blog and put in your votes!

(Also, I recommend voting for "A very clever murder mystery!")

I'm just saying, that it looks really good!

Not that it's mine, or anything...

Thursday 13 August 2020

花とのストーリータイム!(Story time with Hana ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Hello there CHILDREN!


Huddle up, get comfy, bring some snacks, and let me tell you a STORY!

Today, I'm going to tell you the tale of me going to JAPAN!

Okay, that sounds a little bit creepy.

Anyways, I'm going to tell you a story about the time that I went to Japan!

So, without further ado, let us begin!

Please read, comment, and enjoy!

Oh yeah, and if any of you are japanese, my name means flower, so to you guys, it's going to say "story time with flower..." Just don't mind that. o(╥﹏╥)o )


Have you ever gone to Japan? 

What was it like for you?

Would you like to go to Japan someday?

Let me know in the comments below!

Wednesday 5 August 2020

What is resilience, I hear you ask for no particular reason?

Hello there!


Welcome back to my blog!

What is resilience, I hear you ask?

(It would be a bit concerning if I could hear you through the computer screen... UNLESS I'M RECORDING YOU THROUGH YOUR DEVICE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Anyways, today, I'm going to explain what resilience is!

(This was also a blog post I was forced to write about by my teachers. -_-)

This week, we have been focusing on goal setting. 

Things like mental toughness, grit, and resilience fits in.

But today, I'm focusing on resilience.

There really isn't much to say here, or otherwise I wouldn't have anything to put in the DLO!.


Please read, comment, and enjoy!

oh yeah, and here's a LINK to a video if you want to know more about RESILIENCE!

I watched it myself, and It's quite helpful!


So, overall, I think that I an doing pretty good with my resilience.

oh yeah, and HERE is the link to where I found the quote in the biteable. :P

I guess that it improves quickly since I was placed next to the...

Not so responsible people. 

2 of them.

I'm not naming any names, but I can imagine that the people who know where I need to sit know what I'm talking about...

If I'm honest, I still need to improve on my resilience.

I mean, there's alway room for improvement, right?

Okay, time for QUESTIONS!

Did this video help you learn about resilience?

Have you now learned what resilience is thanks to this video that I created? 

Or did you already know all about resilience?

Are there any more points that I missed that could have been included in the video?

If so, what ones did I miss?

Thank you for reading!

Let’s learn to write awesome blog posts! :D

Why, Hello there!

Hey, you! want some juicy intel? Well, come and read this very blog post, and it shall take you to the main course! (Nikita was CLEARLY hungry while writing this. -_-)

Hello there bloggers!

Welcome back to my blog!

Today, I’m going to explain what we have been doing for our cybersmart comments activities with Miss Morgan!

We have been learning about this so we can learn how to write some QUALITY blog comments! :D

And I think that it has affected us all GREATLY!

So, please read, comment, and enjoy!

(sorry if this writing style isn't my typical style, it's because this whole blog was a collab between 3 people. Sooo, you'll just have to DEAL with it. \( ̄▽ ̄;)/ )



Overall, I think that my learning was a BLAST!

I learned a lot about quality blog comments and how to write them!

(Even though I was already quite experienced with commenting. -_- I’m trying to sound excited, or whatever, okay??)

Have you learned anything new from this?

Or did you already know about this?

What more could I have mentioned in this blog post?

I would love to hear all your answers in the comments below!

Friday 31 July 2020


Hello There!

Welcome back to my blog!

Today, I've decided to post a blog about what we learned about James Clear and some of the strategies we learned!

(Well, I didn't really choose to blog about this, the teacher told us to. (  ゚,_ゝ゚)   )

Anyways, one of the strategies that I learned from James Clear is to start incredibly small.

ALTHOUGH, to learn about what it is, YOU'LL have to look through the SLIDES!

Muahahahahaha, I'm evil. (≧ω≦) >:)

Anyways, Please Read, Comment, and enjoy!

Here's a LINK if you want to know more about James Clear. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


Well, how was it?

Do these sound like things that you would find useful?

Did this help you at all?

Have you heard about James Clear before now?
Leave your answer in the comments below!


Friday 24 July 2020

Why did the pianist keep banging his head against the keys? He was playing by ear. :D

Hello there! 


Welcome back to my blog!

Today, a small amount of musicians came over to our school FOR FREE to play us a few things and teach us.

And this was a GREAT opportunity for the school.

Since you like, NEVER get an offer for the CSO t0 play at your SCHOOL for FREE!

Although, I think that part of the reason they came here was because of Mia.

Because they know her.

So, I'd like to tell you about it.


Please read, comment, and enjoy!


Well, did you like it?

I hope you did. -_-

Have you ever seen a concert hosted by the CSO?

Have you even HEARD of them before?

Have they played a few songs at YOUR school??



Another Matariki Post! I Figured Out There Are Nine Stars (  ゚,_ゝ゚)

Hello there!

Welcome back to my blog!

(Assuming that you have been keeping up with my posts. (°∀°)  )

Today, I have yet ANOTHER Matariki blog post!

And this activity that I did is called the nine stars of matariki!

It's part of the Matariki matrix.

Basically, the Matariki matrix is learning about matariki.

Learning, creating, and sharing!

Which is what I'm doing now! SHARING. :D

This activity required us to decorate or draw inside each star based on what they represent. 

I chose to do this digitally, since I knew that I would be faster doing it digitally, and I'm better at doing it on a device.

For some reason, I just enjoy digital art better.
Maybe it's because of all the things you can do. 

You can also click the undo button, which you can't really come across when it comes to art on paper. -_-

Anyways, enough about digital art and myself.

Let me show you what I did!

Keep in mind that this was done under a time limit, so they're not my best work. 

Please read (And LOOK. Yeah, look REALLY WELL.), comment, and enjoy! :D


                      Full Screen since the words are too small. -_-

Soooo, how was it??

What did you think of my drawings?

Did they show what the stars represented accurately?

What else could I have added?


Wednesday 22 July 2020

Ko te whakanui i a Matariki (Tell me, what does this say??:D)

Kia Ora!


Welcome back to my blog!

(Sadly, google translate isn't very accurate with translations. Things have changed since it was made. Soo, just TRY to understand it when you put it through translate. ;-;)

The holidays are over and now, we're starting off with some JUICY Maori stuff. 

More specifically, the celebration of Matariki.

(Well, we didn't exactly START with this, before was the cross country. -_-)

And I've created a DLO about it! I read a few pages and answers some questions which taught me a lot about the celebration of Matariki.

There really isn't much to say...


Please read, comment, and enjoy!

(Man, that one sentence has been brought up through the years, ever since my FIRST blog post! Ahh, memories! :P)


                    Full Screen :D

Well... How was it?

Did you learn anything new from reading this?

Are there any other things that you would like to mention that I might have not known?

What do you do on the day of Matariki?

Tuesday 23 June 2020

What Colour are YOUR EYEBALLS?

Hello There!

Welcome back to my blog!

Today, I've blogged about what I learnt about my class!

Basically learning about everyone in my classes eye colour. -_-

It all started with the digital sign in...

Aaannndd, You'll have to figure out WHY it started with the digital sign in, and what the digital sign in IS.

hehe, I'm EVIL.

Well, the rest is in the slideshow down below.

Please read, comment, and enjoy!


Have you ever done this before?

Did you learn something new today?

Was this helpful for you in any way?


Friday 19 June 2020

My Reading DLO!


Welcome back to my blog!

This week, we have been doing some reading!

We have a new text every week that we have to do a DLO and a blog about on Fridays.

My DLO is in the slideshow down below!

Please read, comment, and enjoy!

(The intro is short because I didn't really have anything else to say ;-;)



So, overall, I think that this went pretty well.

I'm quite proud of my drawing at the end!

Have you ever done something like this?

Have you ever heard of the story "Another Chance"?

If not, do you think that I spoiled it too much?



Tuesday 16 June 2020

WARNING: I Have Entered The Building ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Bienvenue sur mon blog!

Okay, enough French...

(Put what I said through google translate, I DARE YOU.)

Today, I've decided to tell you about the lesson Miss Morgan had taken us through about copyright.

We followed along on a bunch of exciting activities, including a photo collage about ourselves. 

We used images on unsplash to create them.

And like Miss Morgan told us, we added the name of the person who took the photo.

So, the photo collage about me is in the drawing down below.

Please read, (Look with your EYEBALLS) comment, and enjoy!



So, overall, I quite liked creating this.

Oh yeah, and if you don't get a few things, I'll explain:

the first row to the left, is my name, age, and best subject.

The next row to the right is my favourite animal, my favourite food, and what I think is cool.

The next one to the right is what I love, my favourite colour, and my family.

The one to the very right is my dream destination, my home country, and my nickname: Banana. 

It's cause it rhymes with Hana. 

And if you're confused, you pronounce my name as Haa, and then naa. 

Hana is Japanese for flower!


Like I said, I found it fun creating this. 

All these photos were from unsplash. 

Except for the photo of my family, we took that ourselves.

Have YOU ever done something like this?

Have YOU actually done this with Miss Morgan? (Well, you never know...)

Do YOU think that my nickname is WEIRD??

Here's the full version:

Hana Banana From Banana Rama...

My Dad came up with that. 

And then there's my sister:

Mika Bilika from Costa rica.


My sister is NOT from Costa rica...

Well, that's all I have for you today, see you later!!
