
Sunday 18 October 2020

This Is Not A Drill. I Repeat. THIS IS NOT A DRILL... It's A Hammer :D



Welcome back to my blog! 

Today, I've decided to, SURPRISE SURPRISE, yet ANOTHER blog post!

And from that big list that I mentioned in the last blog post, I decided to do a very simple one.

And based on the title, you could probably tell that it has something to do with a hammer.

Can you guess...?

Well, I decided to hammer a nail!

And better yet, teach you how to do it.

I got my trustworthy Dad to supervise me because he has experience in hammering nails.

Probably because he built our whole entire house... (Which is fairly close to being finished. He's ALSO planning to build a houseboat as their retirement plan. :P)

Anyways, back on topic...

I also got my sister, Mika to help film a short video.

Okay, I've done enough talking. (Or writing...)

Please read,  comment, and enjoy!


Saturday 17 October 2020

What Did The Egg Do When It Saw The Frying Pan...? IT SCRAMBLED! (Best Jokes Award Goes To ME )

 Hello There!


Welcome back to my blog!

I haven't posted in a while, because we were EXTREMELY busy at the end of term 3, and we were also setting a few things up and getting into the swing of things. 

Today, I've FINALLY decided to do a blog post for my homework.

And THIS type of homework is a bit different.

I GUESS it's KIND OF optional, but it is expected of us to contribute to this.

Come to think of it, the teacher probably said that because she wanted us to take control of our own learning and become self-managed individuals. :P

And so, from a giant list of "40 old fashioned skills kids NEED to know nowadays", I chose "How to make scrambled eggs" because I was hungry.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So, I got  my Mum & Dad to supervise me while I tried to cook. \( ̄▽ ̄;)/

Please read, comment, and enjoy!
