
Friday 12 June 2020

Here's What's Cool: Me, me, and ME :D

Kia Ora! 


Welcome back to my fantastic blog!

Today, I've decided to blog about my Here's What's Cool For Me!

Our class has been focusing on what we need from the class, and the teachers.

And we've decided to create a google drawing with 10 or 11 things that we need from Rimu!

Like Silence while working, speak at a respectful volume, listen while others are talking, and things like that.

And lucky for us, we have to make it visually appealing!

And if anyone knows me, you will know that I always like to over work myself and create MASTERPIECES that take at least all night to make. 

(Although, knowing me is highly doubted if you just stumbled upon this blog because you are one of the people from our Tui Mai Tuhi Atu groups :P)


Anyways, the biteable below tells you all about MY Here's What's Cool!

(Lucky you, another biteable! I think I've done like 3 in a row now... They're fun to make, though!)

Anyways, please read, comment, and enjoy!



  1. Hello Hana
    Delilah here from your class
    I love your blog post but mamby next time you could not do a biteable and try something new. But other than that it was good.

    LOVE! your blog post.


  2. Hello Hana,
    I've loved how much creative blog-posts you great, your wacky humor gets mixed in with all the words you put into your blogs. This blog in particular was a easy and readable blog-post and clearly it's bombastic and I absolutely loved your biteable the little people were so adorable!

    I would say this is a ten out of ten blog-post right here Hana,
    Kind Regards,

  3. Hello Hana
    It is your post police buddy Lucas,
    This is very cool and creative I like it maybe next time do some thing different than a biteable...

    From Lucas

  4. Hi Hana. I like your bitable posts. I especially like how you used a creative way to display your "Here's what's cool" poster. And you should be proud of your poster. It looks great. :-)


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